%a | Abbreviated weekday name | Wed |
%A | Full weekday name | Wednesday |
%b | Abbreviated month name | Nov |
%B | Full month name | November |
%C | Century number (year/100) as a 2-digit integer | 20 |
%d | Day of the month, padded to 2 digits (01-31) | 10 |
%D | Equivalent to %m/%d/%y in en-US | 11/10/21 |
%e | Day of the month, padded with a leading space for single digit values (1-31) | 10 |
%F | Equivalent to %Y-%m-%d (the ISO 8601 date format) | 2021-11-10 |
%h | Equivalent to %b (abbreviated month name) | Nov |
%H | The hour (24-hour clock), padded to 2 digits (00-23) | 10 |
%I | The hour (12-hour clock), padded to 2 digits (01-12) | 10 |
%j | Day of the year, padded to 3 digits (001-366) | 314 |
%k | The hour (24-hour clock), padded with a leading space for single digit values (0-23) | 10 |
%l | The hour (12-hour clock), padded with a leading space for single digit values (1-12) | 10 |
%m | The month, padded to 2 digits (01-12) | 11 |
%n | Newline character |
%M | The minute, padded to 2 digits (00-59) | 25 |
%p | "AM" or "PM" | AM |
%P | "am" or "PM" | am |
%r | Equivalent to %I:%M:%S %p (time in a.m. or p.m. notation) | 10:25:48 AM |
%R | Equivalent to %H:%M (time in 24-hour notation) | 10:25 |
%s | N umber of seconds since the Epoch (1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000), UTC | 1636539948 |
%S | The second, padded to 2 digits (00-60) | 48 |
%t | Tab character | |
%T | Equivalent to %H:%M:%S (time in 24-hour notation) | 10:25:48 |
%u | Weekday, Monday being 1 (1-7) | 3 |
%U | Week number of the year, Sunday as the first day of the week, padded to 2 digits (00-53) | 45 |
%w | Weekday, Sunday being 0 (0-6) | 3 |
%W | Week number of the year, Monday as the first day of the week, padded to 2 digits (00-53) | 45 |
%y | The year without the century (00-99) | 21 |
%Y | The year with the century | 2021 |
%z | The +hhmm or -hhmm numeric timezone (that is, the hour and minute offset from UTC) | +0000 |
%Z | The time zone name, replaced with an empty string if it is not found | Coordinated Universal Time |
%% | A % sign | % |